Pressure Safety Valve Testing

Pressure Safety Valve Testing just got a lot Easier
The FieldLab PSV Test makes repeatable, traceable PSV tests with extremely accurate data to back up your expert technicians word. Precise testing of Pressure Safety Valves requires accurate measurement of the pop-point pressure when the valve lifts and the exact moment when the valve reseats. Normally this can be challenging to measure and record by hand. Additionally, results are certified by a technician based on simple observation with little hard data to back it up. Certificates are signed and issued based on this process with little to no traceability other than the technicians word. The FieldLab PSV Test keeps control of the process in the hands of the technician while speeding up the process to reduce downtime and creating rich, data-backed picture of the performance of the valve.
How to Perform a Pressure Safety Valve Test (PSV)
The Ralston Fieldlab Pressure Testing Software
With our FieldLab PSV/PRV Testing software and hardware, it is possible to conduct the test and record most of the information on testing a Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) or Proportional Relief Valve (PRV) directly on the calibrator. After the test is completed the data is then transferred electronically to a PC where a test report with graphs, customer data, tag data and other required information can be output and shared.
The unique PSV/PRV test mode captures the PSV crack and reseats pressure by logging pressure at 200 times per second. Most competitors' devices do not reliably capture the crack and reseat because the logging rate is too slow. The PSV/PRV mode also allows the user to select from standards such as ASME Boiler Code Section 8, simple crack tests or conditional crack tests where the allowable error may depend on the pressure of the PSV. The user can enter the pressure of the valve at the time of test and type in any other important information right on the FieldLab. Thus when the user returns to the office they can download all important information and create the certificates without a lot of extra effort.

The PSV/PRV Test Mode
The PSV/PRV test mode works with steam and gas valves as well as liquid valves where the user needs to witness the first steady stream of liquid prior to recording the crack pressure. It also has the option of running a leak test and logging the change in pressure and whether any leakage was observed. This provides a great deal of flexibility and allows for a smoother and more reliable workflow in conducting PSV tests. The FieldLab is available from 30 psi to 10,000 psi so it covers the ranges of most PSVs in the field. It is also intrinsically safe (Class 1, Division 1, as well as ATEX and IECEx, rated for Zone 1) so that it can be used in most hazardous locations without a problem.
Ready to Get the FieldLab?
Learn how the Ralston Fieldlab can start making pressure safety valve testing easier for you. Configure your model or contact us for more information.